Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Made In Brunel

I went to the opening night of the Made In Brunel (the graduate show for Multimedia, Product design and engineering students from Brunel uni)
First up was the Pecha Kucha (Japanese for 'chit-chat', where 10 speakers show 20 slides for 20 second each) where out very own James Cooper spoke about what he can do, what he can't do and showed us a few perks of his job! Other speakers included; Sir Digby Jones, Joe Ferry - Head of design at Virgin Atlantic, Neil Tierney - Founder of Lightweight Medical and Clive Grinyer - Director of design for Orange France Telecom.

Next up was the private view of the exhibition. I exhibited at Made In Brunel last year so it was good to come back and see how this years students had taken on the task of putting on the show. The exhibition was well run and the work was inspiring. It was a good night of talking to new graduates, catching up with old graduates and looking at some nice work.

em x

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